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Wednesday Feb. 3rd Comic releases.

Before we get to the releases I would just like to issue a small thanks to Boom Kids, who make it the easiest for me to find out which of their books are releasing each week. It’s not the best system in the world, but it’s something. DC is second best because the difference between their Johnny DC titles and Regular titles is very easy to spot going through their weekly releases. The actual DC kids website, however, leaves a lot to be desired. The comics page is just a list of books in alphabetical order. No dates beside anything, just title and issue number.

Marvel is the worst. Maybe I just am that old and out of the loop, but that site is impossible to navigate. On the Marvel Kids you would hardly know they produce comic books. There’s a swank button for comics, but when the page loads it’s funny Hulk web comics. I like those, but there’s not any mention of the Marvel Adventure books, or an X-babies, or anything. Currently on the main page there’s a link to view a preview of the upcoming “Marvel Adventures Iron Man #1” but that’s it.

That’s enough of me complaining from this week. It’s not all bad. Just could be a little bit better, is all.

Boom Kids!

Big week for these guys as they debut two new series. I am heartened to see that Disney buying Marvel has not put any dents in their relationship with Boom so far. Disney had stated they would keep all current plans in place, but when corporate structures change you can never be too sure.

Disney’s Hero Squad: Ultraheroes #1

I wonder what these characters getting their own book means for the future of the Walt Disney Comics title and what stories will be told there.

Toy Story Ongoing #1

More Toy Story tales is fine with me.

Wizards of Mickey Mouse #1

I’m actually excited for this title. I adore Mickey’s Magic universe.

Valentine’s Classics Hardcover

Yeah! A hardcover colleciton of old romantic tales. I don’t believe I’ve ever read any of these. I’m not picking this up this month, but possibly this summer I’ll find it on sale.

Johnny DC!

Cartoon Network Action  Pack #46

This is really turning into a Ben 10 Showcase. This month’s issue has two Ben Ten stories in it, with a little Samurai Jack to break it up.

Looney Tunes #183

What! A retelling of the story of Samson and Delilah with Pepe Le Pew? I’m definitely down.

Finally DC is putting out the third collection of “Tiny Titans” named Sidekickin’ It. This will collect issues 13-18 and is a wonderful book for young children. I strongly suggest any of these books to parents with kids just learning how to read.

Marvel Comics

Nada. Play sad trombone right here. The closest thing I saw was a Marvel Heartbreaker books if you have anyone teens in the house that are particular fans of high school drama and romance stories.

That’s it for this week’s releases, stay tuned as I only work a half day on Friday at my real job, and am phoning it in on my second. That means I’ll not only have time to read all the books from this week, but I may even find time to write about them. Maybe? Let’s hope for the best here.

February 4, 2010 - Posted by | Comics | , , , , , ,

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